Wow, so heres come and gone yet another week. Unbelievable. Last time I checked it was Monday. But I am totally OK with it being Friday tomorrow. I always seem to notice Wednesdays. To me, its always Wednesday. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday come and go without much notice, but Wednesday is a relief. Wednesday means that the week is half over, I have a free weeknight, and that Thursday and Friday will go quickly. Some weeks, though, I dont even notice the week thats gone until Thursday. The week before last, I missed Wednesday completely. It was Thursday before the week caught up to me!
And as now, as I look at my date book, I see that all these Wednesdays have added up to it now being July 9th. As for months, I always seem to notice September, November and March especially. I am not sure if its because these months mark a change in seasons or what. They are all cold weather months, though. Each month marks a different kind of gloomy weather. September is for wind, November is for frost and rain, and March is for the spastic rain-sun-hail-wind weather that gives way to April.
July, this time, is for working and resting.
1 kommentarer:
Åh, vad kul att du tänker skriva blogg! Det är så roligt att läsa om kompisars liv! Intressant reflexion om dagar o månader. Jag tycker att det alltid är måndag o fredag, de andra dagarna försvinner lite. Så idag är jag med, det är ju fredag! När det gäller månader känns det ibland som att man lever för sommarmånaderna, juni, juli, augusti, för att resten av året är så trist, samma väder hela tiden, mörkt o grått o regnigt. Nu är det visserligen så ute här idag också men.. det är kul att generalisera..;) Imorn ska jag iaf på sammankomst igen, ska bli så kul! Kram!
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